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2024/6/23 児玉結里菜 / 選手宣誓 (2024 Remaster) 配信リリース!!

児玉結里菜 / 選手宣誓 (2024 Remaster)

2024/6/23 シンガーソングライター児玉結里菜の記念すべきデビューアルバム(2010年作品)が、14年の歳月を経てエンジニア堀豊氏により高音質ハイレゾ音源として再リリースされる。健康で前向きに「どんな困難でも乗り越えて行こうよ」とエールを送ってくれる、女子硬式野球部出身の軽快なポップサウンド。心地良いリズムとCity Popサウンドが暑い夏にも清涼感を漂わせる。プロデューサーには西垣哲二氏を迎え、ギタリストの黒田晃年とベーシストの斉藤昌人が全面参加。

On June 23, singer-songwriter Yurina Kodama's memorable debut album (originally released in 2010) will be re-released in high-quality high-resolution audio by engineer Yutaka Hori after 14 years. With an upbeat pop sound from a former member of a women's hardball baseball team, the album encourages listeners to "overcome any difficulty." The pleasant rhythms and City Pop sound bring a refreshing feel even in the hot summer. The album features producer Tetsuji Nishigaki, with guitarist Akinobu Kuroda and bassist Masato Saito fully participating.


タイトル:選手宣誓 (2024 Remaster)

型番:RBFD-2488 (配信)

リリース:2024/6/23 (配信)


M1.頑張りすぎないで (2024 Remaster)

M2.ありがとう (2024 Remaster)

M3.DEAR… (2024 Remaster)

M4.もう一度 (2024 Remaster)

M5.逢いたい (2024 Remaster)

M6.一番の味方 (2024 Remaster)

M7.memories (2024 Remaster)

All Lyrics Written, All Songs Written & All Vocals Performed by 児玉結里菜


Except「頑張りすぎないで」「ありがとう」「一番の味方」 Songs Written by 児玉結里菜&李幸蘭



Acoustic Guitars & Electric Guitars: 黒田晃年

Electric Bass & Wood Bass: 斉藤昌人

All Keyboards & Programming: T2z



Produced by 西垣哲二(aquanotes)


Mixed & Recorded by 堀豊(Jacaranda)

Mixed & Recorded at Jacaranda Studio

Mastered by 堀豊(Jacaranda)

Mastered at Jacaranda Mastering


Label Producer: 西垣哲二(Real Blue/KPT)

Label Management: 藤村章(KPT)

Art Direction & Design: 山辺健司(enjik)


Executive Producers: 西垣哲二(aquanotes) & 大下光博(aquanotes)


Presented by 三茶AOR製作委員会


2024 Additional Staff

Produced by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Remastered by Yutaka Hori

Mastered at Holy Mastering

Executive Producer: Tetsuji Nishigaki (Rant & Co.) 

Special Thanks

JP Funk Family(June/2024) are

Tetsuji Nishigaki,Yutaka Hori,Harumi,KaY,Masato Saito,George Takai,Hiroaki Idaka,

Takeshi Miyagi,minmin,Yoshihiro Ishikawa,TORA,Arthur Kuroda,Shigemitsu Ogi,

Takahiro Ohhara,Akira Fujimura and more...

Ⓟ&© 2024 iRB Label


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