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2024/5/13 君の唄声 (feat. 小木茂光) / JP Funk Brothers 配信リリース!!!

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君の唄声 (feat. 小木茂光) / JP Funk Brothers

5/13 JP Funk Brothersの第6弾は、大御所俳優小木茂光(ex. 一世風靡セピア)を迎えての石川よしひろプロデュースによる「君の唄声 (feat. 小木茂光)」。全世界同時配信リリース!楽曲は石川よしひろ、作詞は小木茂光 & Harumiによる描き下ろし作品。切なくも前向きな言葉が心を打つ!ギターは高井ジョージ、ベースはTurbo斉藤の鉄壁のサポート!


On May 13th, JP Funk Brothers will release their 6th installment, "Your Singing Voice (feat. Shigemitsu Ogi, ex. Isseifuubi Sepia)," produced by Yoshihiro Ishikawa and featuring the veteran actor Shigemitsu Ogi. It will be simultaneously released worldwide! The music is by Yoshihiro Ishikawa, with lyrics by Shigemitsu Ogi & Harumi, creating a poignant yet optimistic message that resonates with the heart! Guitar by George Takai and bass by Turbo Saito provide solid support!

アーティスト名:JP Funk Brothers

タイトル:君の唄声 (feat. 小木茂光)

型番:RBFD-2478 (配信)

リリース:2024/5/13 (配信)

楽曲:君の唄声 (feat. 小木茂光) / JP Funk Brothers

Lyrics: 小木茂光 & Harumi    Music: 石川よしひろ Arrange: Tetsuji Nishigaki


Produced by YuTA P & Yoshihiro Ishikawa

Arranged by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Lead Vocal: Shigemitsu Ogi

Chorus: Yoshihiro Ishikawa

E.Guitar: George Takai

E.Bass: Masato Saito

Sound Design: Yutaka Hori

All Instruments & Programming: Tetsuji Nishigaki


Produced by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Co-Produced by Yutaka Hori

Mastered, Mixed & Recorded by Yutaka Hori

Mixed & Recorded at Holy Sound Studio, Rant Studio

Mastered at Holy Mastering

Art Direction & Design: Yutaka Hori

JP Funk Family Manager: Akira Fujimura (KPT)

Executive Producer: Tetsuji Nishigaki (Rant & Co.) 

JP Funk Family(May/2024) are

Tetsuji Nishigaki,Yutaka Hori,Harumi,KaY,Masato Saito,George Takai,Hiroaki Idaka,

Takeshi Miyagi,minmin,Yoshihiro Ishikawa,TORA,Arthur Kuroda,Shigemitsu Ogi,

Takahiro Ohhara,Akira Fujimura and more...

Presented by YuTA P

Ⓟ&© 2024 iRB Label



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