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2023/7/17 Midnight Moon feat. minmin / JP Funk Sisters 配信リリース!!


Midnight Moon feat. minmin / JP Funk Sisters

JP Funk Sisters待望の第3弾シングル『Midnight Moon feat. minmin』が全世界同時配信リリース!去年誕生したたまプラーザ発ファンク・バンドJP Funk Familyの妹ユニットとして注目を集める彼女たちが、今回はフィラデルフィア・ソウルに挑戦します!ヒットメーカー石川よしひろが楽曲を書き下ろし、シンガーソングライターminminの力強い歌声が響き渡ります。さらに、Harumi、KaY、Takeshi Miyagiの魅力的なコーラス、高井城治の華麗なギター、斉藤昌人のグルーヴィーなベースが楽曲を一層盛り上げます。感染力あるリズムとエネルギーで魅了されるJP Funk Sistersの魅力を、Tetsuji NishigakiとYutaka Horiの素晴らしいプロデュースでお楽しみください。2023年7月17日、全世界で配信スタート!このファンキーな感動をお見逃しなく!

JP Funk Sisters' highly anticipated 3rd single, "Midnight Moon feat. minmin," is set to be globally released simultaneously! As the sister unit of JP Funk Family, the funky band that emerged from Tamaplaza last year, they are now taking on the challenge of Philadelphia soul! Hit-maker Yoshiiro Ishikawa has penned the track, with the powerful vocals of singer-songwriter minmin resonating throughout. Furthermore, the enchanting chorus by Harumi, KaY, and Takeshi Miyagi, the dazzling guitar by George Takai, and the groovy bass by Masato Saito add even more excitement to the music. Experience the infectious rhythms and energy that JP Funk Sisters bring, masterfully produced by Tetsuji Nishigaki and Yutaka Hori. The worldwide release starts on July 17th, 2023—don't miss out on this funky sensation!

アーティスト名:JP Funk Sisters

タイトル:Midnight Moon feat. minmin


リリース:2023/7/17 (配信)

楽曲:Midnight Moon feat. minmin

Lyrics: minmin Music: 石川よしひろ


Produced by YuTA P

Arranged by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Lead Vocal: minmin

Chorus: Harumi, KaY, Takeshi Miyagi

E.Guitar: George Takai

E.Bass: Masato Saito

Sound Design: Yutaka Hori

All Instruments & Programming: Tetsuji Nishigaki


Produced by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Co-Produced by Yutaka Hori

Mastered, Mixed & Recorded by Yutaka Hori

Mastered, Mixed & Recorded at Rant Studio, Studio, Studio & Studio21

Art Direction & Design: Yutaka Hori

JP Funk Family Manager: Akira Fujimura (KPT)

Executive Producer: Tetsuji Nishigaki (Rant & Co.)

JP Funk Family(July/17/2023) are

Tetsuji Nishigaki,Yutaka Hori,Harumi,KaY,Masato Saito,George Takai,Hiroaki Idaka,Takeshi Miyagi,Minmin,Yoshihiro Ishikawa,Akira Fujimura and more...

Presented by YuTA P

Ⓟ&© 2023 iRB Label


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