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2023/5/5 Takeshi Miyagiが2nd EP「Little Daisy」を全世界同時配信リリース!!!


Little Daisy ep / Takeshi Miyagi

5/5 日本のアダルトSoulを引っ張っていくアーティストTakeshi Miyagiが2nd EP「Little Daisy」を全世界同時配信リリース!今回もJP Funk Family のギター高井城治、そしてベース斉藤昌人が全面バックアップ。スペシャルゲストとして石川よしひろ氏もコーラス参加。Soulを愛する男が今ここにいる!

5/5 Takeshi Miyagi, an artist who leads Japanese adult soul, will release his 2nd EP "Little Daisy" all over the world at the same time! George Takai, the guitarist of JP Funk Family, and Masato Saito, the bassist, are backing up this time as well. Yoshihiro Ishikawa also participated in the chorus as a special guest. A man who loves Soul is here now!

アーティスト名:Takeshi Miyagi

タイトル:Little Daisy



価格:Download ¥ 765(Tax in)

楽曲:Little Daisy / Takeshi Miyagi

M1.Little Daisy

M2.Last Waltz Last Dance for Me (Radio Edition)

M3.Won't Leave You (Re-Vocal Version)

All Lyrics: Minmin All Music: Takeshi Miyagi All Arrange: Tetsuji Nishigaki


Produced & Arranged by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Lead Vocal & Chorus Performed by Takeshi Miyagi

Chorus: Minmin (M1)

E.Guitar: George Takai

E.Bass: Masato Saito

Sound Design: Yutaka Hori

All Instruments & Programming: Tetsuji Nishigaki

Special Guest

Chorus: Yoshihiro Ishikawa (M3)


Produced by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Co-Produced by Yutaka Hori

Mastered, Mixed & Recorded by Yutaka Hori

Mastered, Mixed & Recorded at Rant Studio & Studio21

Art Direction & Design: Yutaka Hori & Takeshi Miyagi

Executive Producer: Tetsuji Nishigaki (Rant & Co.)

Ⓟ&© 2023 iRB Label


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